Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Speed Boot - Spotmau PowerSuite 2009

A computer will get old after years of usage. And as it grows old, its performance will be slower. It may even come to the point that when you turn on your computer, you'll have to wait for minutes just to use your computer. You will have to speed boot - shave 2 seconds of boot up in order to get rid of this problem. How can you speed boot - shave 2 seconds of boot up? Here are three methods that can help you speed boot -shave 2 seconds of boot up.

1. Configure the Startup. Some computer application installed on your computer has a default setting of automatically starting up on boot up. This is one main reason why boot up time slows down. To configure this, click Start, click run and type 'msconfig'. Go to the startup tab and uncheck the programs that you do not want to run at startup.

2. Decrease the number of installed fonts. Windows XP loads up every single font installed on your computer, so reducing its number will speed up boot time. To do this, first create a backup of the fonts you want to delete by copying the fonts on a separate folder. Go to My Computer, then go to Drive C, then go to Windows, then go to Fonts. Highlight all the fonts you want to copy and paste it on the separate folder. Go back to the Fonts folder and right click on each font and choose delete.

3. Defrag, and use Disk Cleanup. Use Windows XP's tools that will perform Hard Drive maintenance. Open My Computer and right click on the hard disk and choose Properties. Go to the Tools tab and click on the Check Now button under Error-checking. Check the "Automatically Fix Filer Errors" and "Scan for and Attempt Recovery for Bad Sectors". After this, go back to the Tools tab and click Defragment Now under the Defragmentation.

The newest Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 has released!!!

Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 is a must-have toolkit providing all essential utilities for every PC owner. This is the most AWESOME CD that you will EVER use! Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 is a bootable cd that every PC owner can use to solve just about any problems. This is an everyday toolset for PC maintenance and optimization. This is also an emergency kit for rescuing and recovering your precious data and system.

You can use spotmau powersuite to boot up any computer; fix and install Windows; optimize and speed up your system; clean up history and protect your privacy; recover data and passwords; partition and format the hard drive; clone and backup your system; and more...

The Key Features of the Spotmau PowerSuite 2009

Spotmau PowerSuite 2009 includes a lot of features .For example, Windows Backup & Restore backup, Windows Recovery, Windows Doctor, Password & Key Finder, BIOS/CMOS Password Recovery, Security & Privacy, Data Transfer, and partition management tool are the main features.

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