Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ePreserver is recommended by Google Answers

The applications and formats supported by ePreserver Recovery are shown below. For Email Saved on AOL or CompuServe, you can convert existing messages but you cannot recover deleted messages. Also, deleted Favorites cannot be recovered.

ePreserver helps you copy your AOL Personal Filing Cabinet (PFC file) to Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. Export your AOL address book and email with ease.

ePreserver - Quickly and easily copy your AOL e-mail, address book and favorite places to Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. Don't risk losing information you've spent years putting together. With ePreserver, bringing this information over to your new ISP will take you only a few seconds. You can convert PFC files even if you no longer subscribe to AOL.

ePreserver is recommended by Google Answers,, Mr. Modem, Data Doctors and many happy customers.


Automatically finds your filing cabinet and your new email application.

Supports multiple screen names.

Converts all address book fields, including distribution lists.

Copies your information even if you are no longer a member of AOL.

Maintains filing cabinet folder structure.

Converts HTML email, text email, attachments, and all headers.

Easy for beginners.

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