Download Accelerator Plus(DAP) is the world's most popular download manager, with over 170 million users worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility. DAP is easy to use, working automatically with your web browser to provide the fastest download speed possible. DAP 9.1 has been enhanced with the most requested features to provide an even better download experience. Downloading is safer in DAP 9.1 with innovative new download security powered by SpeedBit's Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis. In DAP 9.1 you can now choose your Download Style, with Internet Explorer style downloading, that lets you get files with Download Windows, and Firefox style downloading, that presents all your downloads in a Download list. DAP is also being translated into multiple languages by users working on the DAP Wiki project, and support for Internet Explorer 8 and Windows 7 has been added. Additionally, expansions are available for DAP that provide for downloading and acceleration of your favorite videos from YouTube and other popular video sites.
Version may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
review of Download Accelerator Plus
Thisdownload managerbrings much more to the table than fast file transfers, but it definitely delivers those, too. Increased download speeds are Download Accelerator Plus's bread and butter, speeding up downloads by almost 200 percent in most cases and occasionally as high as 400 percent.
Besides splitting files into smaller pieces, it thrives on automatically seeking faster mirrors. It also can get a file simultaneously from several sites, which is useful if a particular site limits the download speed; it can resume downloads; and it can preview some media files while downloading. There's also a blacklist for sites that you never want to accept downloads from, and categorized folders and filters to keep your downloads organized. DAP rolls in a media buffer, too, that allegedly will prevent streaming-video hiccups. Ensuring that you're running the latest version of the Adobe Flash player won't hurt, either.
Two new features include a UI change that lets users choose a Firefox- or Internet Explorer-styled download window, and integration with DAP's publisher's video converter. Downloading and converting video on the fly is a pretty smart way to keep the program fresh. The program will prompt you at your first attempt if you don't have the converter installed and guide you through its installation. Frustratingly, the install process will weigh you down with a ton of toolbars, default switches, and e-mail recommendations that you must opt out of for a clean installation.
Although it's heavy with ads and promotions,DAPis still a good choice for adding some heat to your typical download recipe.