Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is igxe or buyboe a good place to buy wow gears?

I'd like to recommend to you a site which my friends recommend to me.

Cataclysm patch 4.3.2 is now available on all realms! You can run older normal or heroic raids by Raid Finder with Real ID Friends. There is no need to transfer realm for ordering gears, except normal and heroic dragon soul. At the same time, they are offering big discounts on WOW US Gear.

Time: Feb.1st 2012 to Feb.29th 2012

1. Buy one and get one free: buy a Dragon Soul gear (Raid Finder Mode, ilevel384), get a matching your class and talent one free.

2. T13 ilvl397 special offer: You can get a full set of lvl 397 T13 for only $400 during the activity.

Buy WOW Gear----->>>click here

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