Friday, September 11, 2009

How to Prevent an email virus

Many times a virus can be taken care of with some simple steps to prevent the computer from becoming infected. An email virus can cause people in your address book to become victims too

Step 1

Go to the computer and engage to your IPS (Internet provider service). You are now online to activate all computer skills you will need to prevent an email virus from attacking your personal address book.

Step 2

You are going to add a fictitious email address to your address book, so you prevent becoming infected with an email virus . You are doing this to protect yourself and everyone in your address book. Press the add on icon to complete this task. Insert Aaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaa or any other series or any number of the letter a. use the capital "A" for the first letter and the capital "A" for the first letter of the second bunch of the letter a in both groups. Now you have your name inserted into your contact list with these 2 groups of the letter a.

Step 3

Insert this fictitious name into your contacts. View to make sure it is the first name in your address book in your computer. You can also do this for your laptop computer at home or work too. Click the add button making it official that you are adding Aaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaa.

Step 4

Next add a fictitious email address using appropriate configuration such as You can make up any server except the ones you know exist. All the other personal information can be left blank since this is all you will need to prevent you and all your contacts from an email virus.

Step 5

If a hacker or some unknown tries to enter your computer address book, they will begin with the first person in your address book and fail.

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