Friday, June 27, 2008



1 SpyNoMoreSpyNoMore anti-spyware safeguards your identity and restores system performance through fast, smart and powerful spyware protection. SpyNoMore scans, cleans and blocks spyware as well as any other good anti-spyware product, but with one big advantage, Custom Fix (patent pending).

2 The Shield Pro 2008 - Antivirus & FirewallThe Shield Pro 2008 is a must-have firewall and antiVirus providing all essential virus protection for every PC owner. The Shield Pro 2008 contains Anti-Virus, Network Security, Folder Production, E-mail Protector, Anti-Spyware and other functions, which are developed by Hauri's advanced vaccine technology and network security technology, to make clean internet environment. Powerful yet easy to use, protect yourself, your family, and your PC online with The Shield Pro 2008TM.

3 Panda Antivirus 2008Panda Antivirus 2008 is the easiest and most useful protection for yourself, your family, and your PC online this year.Panda Antivirus is the latest generation of antivirus solution. Its innovative technology and ease of use make it the most powerful antivirus on the market. If you install the Panda Antivirus 2008, you will forget about allvirus, spyware and online fraud. And you hardly have to lift a finger, so you can chat, share photos and videos with friends, read your favorite blogs or simply surf the Web, with complete peace of mind. And it's so light, you won't even notice it. It. Includes: Antivirus, AntiSpyware, AntiPhishing, AntiRootkit.

这些介绍是从 上面找来的,有兴趣的可以自己去看一下哈。

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