Monday, June 30, 2008

Acrobat 9 Pro has the new features for print professionals!!!

Key features for print professionals ›

Preview, preflight, correct, and prepare PDF files for print Enhanced!

Control costs, reduce errors, and deliver premium customer service using extensive preflight and print production features that are now better than ever Acrobat 9 Pro. Provide preflighting instructions and custom PDF export presets to ensure that your PDF files conform to specific production requirements. Then automatically validate files and easily fix issues from faulty hairlines to transparency handling, black conversion, spot color mapping, and more.

Access metadata using the Object Inspector New!

Get the full details about an object with the new Object Inspector, which displays metadata for any object you select.

Manage accurate conversions from RGB to black New!

Convert color on any object type, in any color space, using profiles that you choose. Preserve black, promote gray to CMYK Black, and convert from one color system to another accurately - for example, switch from Euroscale CMYK directly to Japan CMYK for text, images, line art, or smooth shades.

Work with built-in Pantone color libraries New!

Pantone libraries are now part of Acrobat 9 Pro. Make use of a Pantone color library when converting spot colors, or map to Pantone colors through preflight checks and fixes.

View how elements interact with Overprint Preview New!

Easily and reliably preview how overlapping elements will display and print using intelligent Overprint Preview in Acrobat 9 Pro or Adobe Reader 9. Both products detect whether a selected page contains overlapping elements and then toggle Overprint Preview on or off accordingly.

Enjoy end-to-end PDF workflows

Integrate Acrobat 9 Pro and Adobe Creative Suite 3.3 with theAdobe PDF Print Engine, a native PDF printing platform available in high-end output systems from industry-leading printer manufacturers. Preserve PDF content natively throughout the workflow for more consistent results and improved print productivity and profitability.

Automate JDF workflows

Define, control, and automate the print production workflow using industry-standard JDF files. JDF files are electronic job tickets that travel with PDF files to define and automate the application of printing specifications. For example, automatically convert InDesign files toAdobe PDF and preflight and validate them against the output intent using JDF-based workflows

Package diverse documents as a PDF Portfolio New!

Apply your expertise with Adobe Flash software to producing branded, high-impact, easy-to-navigate PDF Portfolios - a more secure way to link together layouts, images, drawings, video, audio, and other documents in a compact container. You can quickly assemble PDF Portfolios using predesigned templates, or create custom templates and navigation using your skills with Flash to their utmost. With new native support for Flash technology, Acrobat 9 Pro enables you to create more rich, interactive documents for you and your clients.

Embed content created in Adobe Flash New!

Design and produce video, audio, applications, and other experiences using Flash software, and then embed those files inAdobe PDFdocuments to create more effective, engaging communication. With built-in support for Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat 9 Pro and Adobe Reader 9 can play back these files directly for optimal viewing.

Manage forms, reviews, and sharing with services New!

Use the new services from, which work directly withAcrobat 9 Pro, to more easily manage reviews either one-on-one or across a team. Through new support in Acrobat 9 Pro and, you can also create forms and easily aggregate the data collected from them, store files online, and much more.

Capture web pages as Adobe PDF files

Capture complex web pages for archive or review using enhanced Web Capture that converts web pages toAdobe PDF documents to easily print, archive, mark up, or share. (Windows only)

Easily create Adobe PDF documents

CreateAdobe PDF documents with one-button ease from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (as well as additional Microsoft applications, such as Visio and Internet Explorer, on Windows).

Optimize Adobe PDF output

Select from multiple file size and quality settings to optimize PDF output for your intended purpose.

Detect differences between document versions New!

Quickly detect differences between two versions of a document, including PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, CAD, and even scanned documents. A new Compare Documents interface makes it quick and easy to compare entire documents. View thumbnails indicating all changes on every page. Select the types of changes you want to display or ignore, including text formatting, images, line weights, and backgrounds.

Verify that documents comply with industry standards New!

Create and validate PDF files that comply with a host of the latest industry standards, including PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4, PDF/X-4p, PDF/X-5, PDF/A, PDF/E, Job Definition Format (JDF), XMP metadata, and XML. Automate file creation and validation while helping to ensure correct print output using JDF and an Adobe PDF workflow. A built-in, portable verification record enables you to check document standards compliance at any time.

Experience improved layer controls Enhanced!

Import any PDF file as a new layer into an existing PDF file, dynamically create layers within PDF files according to the PDF/X-4 specification, and preflight to move text, images, or vector artwork to individual layers.

Work with consistent print dialog boxes New!

Enjoy smoother cross-platform print functionality. The print dialog boxesinAcrobat 9 Pro are now consistent between Mac OS and Windows®.

2008 professional Antivirus and Firewall

The Shield Pro 2008 firewall and antiVirus, is the professional Antivirus and Firewall in 2008.

The Shield Pro 2008 is a must-have firewall and antiVirus providing all essential virus protection for every PC owner. The Shield Pro 2008 contains Anti-Virus, Network Security, Folder Production, E-mail Protector, Anti-Spyware and other functions, which are developed by Hauri's advanced vaccine technology and network security technology, to make clean internet environment. Powerful yet easy to use, protect yourself, your family, and your PC online with The Shield Pro 2008TM.

The Shield Pro 2008 blocks absolutely various kinds of malicious code and virus's attack. Moreover, because it has various additional functions considered user's convenience, it improves the effective PC environment and supports the best total security functions, which includes PCSecurityShield Free Technical Support. The Shield Pro now comes with Easy Installer, to make download and installation simpler than ever before.

The Shield Pro 2008 gives you both virus protection and hacker security by providing ongoing support and updates. When a virus breaks out, The Shield Pro 2008TM will provide a patch within 2-3 hours and a fix for the virus within 5 hours. You can set you computer to update viruses weekly and run a complete virus scan. Virus protection is a must and no one with internet access should surf without it.

There is so much Anti-Spyware, why choose The Shield Pro 2008?

*Support safe PC environment by Strong virus blocking - The Shield Pro 2008engine, which is developed by Haur unique vaccine know-how, blocks virus perfectly and supports safe PC environment

*Detection and Repair of Malicious Spyware & Adware - To protect user's PC from virus problem caused by internet, The Shield Pro 2008 collects and analyzes the patterns of Spyware, Adware and other malicious programs and then update the module so that user can detect and repair viruses by himself to keep clean internet using environment

*Total Management of various security functions - The total management of Scan and repair of Virus, Spyware and Adware, Network Protect, Folder Protect, E-mail Protect and other various security functions is possible and because the report and log of each security functions are supported, user can do security management for own system

*Eliminate vulnerability by Analyzing Security Vulnerabilities - Because The Shield Pro 2008 has the function of vulnerability analysis, user can check OS security patch information, so it helps user prevents the vulnerable account and shared folder.

The Shield Personal Firewall is an innovative hacker security software application that guarantees the user's safety on the Internet. With an easy-to-understand user interface and preset security levels, the user does not require any knowledge of the software to begin protecting themselves from hackers and data thieves. The program will monitor all of the incoming or outgoing connections, warn the user, and ban any unauthorized connections. Users can connect to or disconnect from the network with one simple click, securing the data within their systems even more. Personal information will also be removed from your system to guarantee your privacy.

Key features of the The Shield Personal Firewall

*Preset Security Levels Event Tracking

*Immediate Alerts

*Secures Your Personal Information

*One Button Disconnect


*Windows 98\Me\2000\XP Compatible

*Monitors All Incoming / Outgoing Connections

*Removes Personal Information

The Shield AntiVirus 2008 using Hauri® technology for virus protection accurately detects and repairs viruses with its fully optimized and separated antivirus engine for Macro, Script and Windows viruses. It is distinguished from the other Antivirus tools by its high-speed scanning capability. It also scans and cleans email messages on a real time basis before they ever reach your computer.

Key features of The Shield AntiVirus 2008:

*Designed & Certified for Windows XP

*Integrates Functionality with MS Explorer

*Macro Virus-Monitoring Module

*No Need to Reboot After Installation

*Virus Protection Definition Updates

*Uses Very Low System Resources

*Incoming and Outgoing Email Messages

*Blocks Virus Infections in Real-Time

Do not hesitate!

What main work can Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional do?

Here, I want to share my info of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional software enables business professionals to reliably create, combine, and control Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secures distribution, collaboration, and data collection. Protect sensitive information with passwords, permissions, and digital signatures. Enable users of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional (version 7.0 or 8) to participate in document reviews, fill and save forms, and digitally sign documents. Create new PDFs rapidly with Adobe LifeCycle Designer, and start working more easily with AutoCAD documents, even without owning a CAD tool. Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval Inspect PDF documents for hidden information, including metadata, annotations, attachments, form fields, layers, and bookmarks -- selectively delete as needed Enhanced OCR capabilities - Scan paper more accurately to generate searchable PDF documents Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables Enhanced review and markup tools for easier, more accurate placement and resizing of markup items Create documents in PDF/A, the new ISO standard for long-term archiving of electronic documents Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software to participate in document reviews, fill and save electronic forms offline, and digitally sign documents Create Adobe PDF documents from Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, and Lotus Notes Quickly create high-quality, compact PDF files from AutoCAD.

New features in Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional:

·Combine multiple files into a PDF package

Combine multiple files into a searchable, sort able PDF package that maintains the individual security settings and digital signatures of each included PDF document.

·Auto-recognize form fields

Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using free Adobe Reader software. (Windows only)

·Manage shared reviews

Easily conduct shared reviews - without IT assistance - that allow review participants to see one another's comments and track the status of the review.

·Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader

Enable anyone using Adobe Reader to participate in document reviews, fill and save electronic forms offline, and digitally sign documents.

·Permanently remove sensitive information

Permanently remove metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive text, illustrations, or other content.

·Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF

Configure Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional to automatically archive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook for easy search and retrieval. (Windows only)

·Archive Lotus Notes e-mail

Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval. (Windows only)

·Save in Microsoft Word

Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables.

·Enjoy improved performance and support for AutoCAD

More rapidly convert AutoCAD® drawing files into compact, accurate PDF documents, without the need for the native desktop application.

·Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

Complete tasks more quickly with a streamlined user interface, new customizable toolbars, and a "Getting Started" page to visually direct you to commonly used features.

Go to have a try!

Acrobat 8 Pro improved performance and support for AutoCAD!!!

This time, I'm rather satisfied with my purchase of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional. It is easy to install and use. It has no system conflicts. And I can update much more simply then other PDF tools. With it, I can solve almost works related to PDF. Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional is really a good one!

New features in Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional:

* Combine multiple files into a PDFpackage

Combine multiple files into a searchable, sort able PDF package that maintains the individual security settings and digital signatures of each includedPDF document.

* Auto-recognize form fields

Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using free Adobe Reader software. (Windows only)

* Manage shared reviews

Easily conduct shared reviews - without IT assistance - that allow review participants to see one another's comments and track the status of the review.

*Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader

Enable anyone using Adobe Reader to participate in document reviews, fill and save electronic forms offline, and digitally sign documents.

* Permanently remove sensitive information

Permanently remove metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive text, illustrations, or other content.

* Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF

Configure Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional to automatically archive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook for easy search and retrieval. (Windows only)

* Archive Lotus Notes e-mail

Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval. (Windows only)

* Save in Microsoft Word

Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables.

* Enjoy improved performance and support for AutoCAD

More rapidly convert AutoCAD® drawing files into compact, accurate PDF documents, without the need for the native desktop application.

* Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

Complete tasks more quickly with a streamlined user interface, new customizable toolbars, and a "Getting Started" page to visually direct you to commonly used features.

v8.1.1 Update:

Improvements included in this update:

  • Close a potential security vulnerability on Windows® XP computers that have Internet Explorer 7 installed (CVE-2007-5020); see the Adobe Security Bulletin (APSB07-1 concerning this issue

  • Address several PDF forms-related issues

  • Address issues that may arise with OCR text recognition for Japanese text

  • Provide additional stability

v8.1.2 Update:

Improvements in the 8.1.2 update include the following:

  • Closes some potential security vulnerabilities

  • Addresses several PDF forms-related issues

  • Addresses several accessibility issues

The Shield Pro now comes with Easy Installer than ever before.

The Shield Pro 2008blocks absolutely various kinds of malicious code and virus's attack. Moreover, because it has various additional functions considered user's convenience, it improves the effective PC environment and supports the best total security functions. Includes PCSecurityShield Free Technical Support. The Shield Pro now comes with Easy Installer, to make download and installation simpler than ever before.

The Shield Pro 2008is a must-have firewall and AntiVirus providing all essential virus protection for every PC owner. The Shield Pro 2008 contains Anti-Virus, Network Security, Folder Production, E-mail Protector, Anti-Spyware and other functions, which are developed by Hauri's advanced vaccine technology and network security technology, to make clean internet environment. Powerful yet easy to use, protect yourself, your family, and your PC online with The Shield Pro 2008TM.

The Shield Personal Firewall is an innovative hacker security software application that guarantees the user's safety on the Internet. With an easy-to-understand user interface and preset security levels, the user does not require any knowledge of the software to begin protecting themselves from hackers and data thieves. The program will monitor all of the incoming or outgoing connections, warn the user, and ban any unauthorized connections. Users can connect to or disconnect from the network with one simple click, securing the data within their systems even more. Personal information will also be removed from your system to guarantee your privacy.

Key features of the the Shield Personal Firewall

*Preset Security Levels Event Tracking

*Immediate Alerts

*Secures Your Personal Information

*One Button Disconnect


*Windows 98\Me\2000\XP Compatible

*Monitors All Incoming / Outgoing Connections

*Removes Personal Information

The Shield AntiVirus 2008using Hauri® technology for virus protection, accurately detects and repairs viruses with its fully optimized and separated antivirus engine for Macro, Script and Windows viruses. It is distinguished from the other Antivirus tools by its high-speed scanning capability. It also scans and cleans email messages on a real time basis before they ever reach your computer.

Key features of the Shield AntiVirus 2008

*Designed & Certified for Windows XP

*Integrates Functionality with MS Explorer

*Macro Virus-Monitoring Module

*No Need to Reboot After Installation

*Virus Protection Definition Updates

*Uses Very Low System Resources

*Incoming and Outgoing Email Messages

*Blocks Virus Infections in Real-Time

Shield Deluxe 2008 provides free technical support!!

The Shield Deluxe 2008 is effective because of its groundbreaking combined technologies. Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 powers it, and it integrates the reactive method and proactive protection with signature databases, heuristic analysis and behavior blocker.

The Shield Deluxe 2008combines reactive antivirus and spyware detection methods with the latest proactive technologies to provide your computer with the most effective protection against malicious programs ( viruses,spyware,adware,Trojans,etc ). The Shield Deluxe 2008 is simple to install and set up, while offering advanced users a range of versatile settings for fine-tuning the program.

Key features of the Shield Deluxe 2008 - Antivirus & Anti-Spyware

Combined antivirus technologies

The Shield Deluxe 2008, powered by Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 relies upon integrated methods to scan for viruses: the reactive method (using signature databases) and proactive protection (behavior blocker and heuristic analysis).

Optimized for use on laptops

Users of laptops benefit from an economy mode that conserves battery energy, while users of WiFi (wireless) Internet services can automatically update antivirus databases. The program has been optimized for use on laptops based on Intel Centrino mobile technology, and for use on computers with Intel processors that support Hyper-Threading technology.

Simplicity and convenience

TheShield Deluxe 2008 is installed and set up in a matter of minutes, while the context-sensitive help function helps users quickly understand the finer points of the program's capabilities. Moreover, the program regularly notifies users of its current protection status and gives recommendations for dealing with virus epidemics and potential threats.

Antivirus Protection

Protection for email. The Shield Deluxe 2008 scans email traffic for viruses according to the protocol via which it is sent (POP3, IMAP and NNTP for incoming mail and SMTP for outgoing mail) on any mail program, while plug-ins and treatment for viruses in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express mail databases are offered.

Proactive Protection

Control over changes in the file system. With The Shield Deluxe 2008 it is possible to compile lists of applications, the component structure of which will be controlled, thus helping to prevent malicious programs from undermining the integrity of the application.

PCSecurityShield provides free technical support for The Shield Deluxe customers as well as all PCSecurityShield products. The Shield Deluxe 2008 is Vista Compatible.

Everyone believes in God to some degree. Some of us are more in tune with nature, so we can understand a little better than others, so it is our responsibility to make clear any confusion from the scripture since we have that ability.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter) - Take time to indulge!!!

Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter) is an easiest-to-use and powerful video converter for YouTube Videos.

With Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter), you can convert YouTube Video to various video formats, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. The output files support multiple portable devices, including iPod, iPod touch, iPod video nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket P.C., etc.

Features of Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter):

- Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file.

- Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV.

- Supports a wide variety of output file format, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV.

- Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people.

- Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device.

- Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video.

- Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files.

- Cool UI skin available.

Customer comments of Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter):


Cucusoft YouTube Mate (Downloader+Player+Converter) is an all-in-one iPod video Conversion software. This suite includes "Cucusoft iPod Video Converter" and "Cucusoft DVD to iPod Converter". So with this iPod Video Converter suite, you can convert both DVDs and video files to your iPod video. You can enjoy your favorite DVDs and video movies on your iPod as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this iPod Converter Suite at a very competitive price!

Enjoy high quality of my life!!!

With Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter),you can enjoy your favorite DVDs and video movies on your iPod as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this iPod Converter Suite at a very competitive price! All in all, enjoy Cucusoft YouTube Mate(Downloader+Player+Converter), enjoy high quality of my life!!!

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional software - the choice of new generation!

Top reasons to buy Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader - Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8) to participate in document reviews, fill and save electronic forms offline, and digitally sign documents.

Combine and optimize documents - Combine documents, drawings, and rich media content into a single, polished Adobe PDF document. Optimize file size and arrange files in any order regardless of file type, dimensions, or orientation.

Accelerate document reviews - Send documents for review and track which reviewers have contributed feedback. Compile comments into a single PDF document with one-button ease and sort them by author, date, or page.

Save in Microsoft Word - Save Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables, to facilitate reuse of content.

Create advanced forms - Design dynamic, interactive forms to collect and aggregate data through email or on the web with included Adobe LiveCycle Designer software.

Easily create Adobe PDF documents - Create Adobe PDF documents with one-button ease from Microsoft Office applications. Windows users can also create Adobe PDF documents from Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, and Lotus Notes.

Apply passwords and assign permissions - Restrict access to Adobe PDF documents using 128-bit encryption. Set document permissions to help restrict who can print, save, copy, or modify a document.

Permanently remove sensitive information - Permanently remove metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive text, illustrations, or other content.

Archive papers and e-mails for easy search and retrieval - Scan paper documents with OCR technology to create compact, searchable Adobe PDF documents. Convert Microsoft Outlook e-mail archives to Adobe PDF to facilitate search and retrieval.

Generate professional, print-ready files - Automate the preflight process and correct issues that might compromise print quality without creating a new Adobe PDF document.

Top reasons to upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional

Combine multiple files into one PDF package - Combine multiple files as PDF documents in a searchable, sortable PDF package that maintains the individual security settings and digital signatures of each included PDF document.

Auto-recognize form fields - Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8).

Manage shared reviews - Easily conduct shared reviews - without IT assistance - that allow review participants to see one another's comments and track the status of the review.

Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader - Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8) to fill and save electronic forms offline and digitally sign documents.

Permanently remove sensitive information - permanently remove metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive text, illustrations, or other content.

Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF - Configure Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional to automatically archive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook for easy search and retrieval.

Archive Lotus Notes e-mail - Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval.

Save in Microsoft Word - Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables.

Enjoy improved performance and support for AutoCAD - More rapidly convert AutoCAD drawing files into compact, accurate PDF documents, without the need for the native desktop application.

Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface - Complete tasks more quickly with a streamlined user interface, new customizable toolbars, and a "Getting Started" page to visually direct you to commonly used features.

Why to upgrade to Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional?

Combine multiple files into one PDF package - Combine multiple files as PDF documents in a searchable, sortable PDF package that maintains the individual security settings and digital signatures of each included PDF document.

Auto-recognize form fields - Automatically locate form fields in static PDF documents and convert them to interactive fields that can be filled electronically by anyone using Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8).

Manage shared reviews - Easily conduct shared reviews - without IT assistance - that allow review participants to see one another's comments and track the status of the review.

Enable advanced features in Adobe Reader - Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software (version 7.0 or 8) to fill and save electronic forms offline and digitally sign documents.

Permanently remove sensitive information - permanently remove metadata, hidden layers, and other concealed information, and use redaction tools to permanently delete sensitive text, illustrations, or other content.

Archive Microsoft Outlook e-mail in PDF - Configure Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional to automatically archive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook for easy search and retrieval.

Archive Lotus Notes e-mail - Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval.

Save in Microsoft Word - Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables.

Enjoy improved performance and support for AutoCAD - More rapidly convert AutoCAD drawing files into compact, accurate PDF documents, without the need for the native desktop application.

Take advantage of a new, intuitive user interface - Complete tasks more quickly with a streamlined user interface, new customizable toolbars, and a "Getting Started" page to visually direct you to commonly used features.

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional v8.1.1 Update:

Improvements included in this update:

  • Close a potential security vulnerability on Windows® XP computers that have Internet Explorer 7 installed (CVE-2007-5020); see the Adobe Security Bulletin (APSB07-1 concerning this issue

  • Address several PDF forms-related issues

  • Address issues that may arise with OCR text recognition for Japanese text

  • Provide additional stability

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional v8.1.2 Update:

Improvements in the 8.1.2 update include the following:

  • Closes some potential security vulnerabilities

  • Addresses several PDF forms-related issues

  • Addresses several accessibility issues

Adobe Acrobat 8 Professionalsoftware enables business professionals to reliably create, combine, and control Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secures distribution, collaboration, and data collection. Protect sensitive information with passwords, permissions, and digital signatures. Enable users of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional (version 7.0 or 8) to participate in document reviews, fill and save forms, and digitally sign documents. Create new PDFs rapidly with Adobe LifeCycle Designer, and start working more easily with AutoCAD documents, even without owning a CAD tool. Convert e-mail in Lotus Notes to Adobe PDF to facilitate searching, archiving, and retrieval Inspect PDF documents for hidden information, including metadata, annotations, attachments, form fields, layers, and bookmarks -- selectively delete as needed Enhanced OCR capabilities - Scan paper more accurately to generate searchable PDF documents Take advantage of improved functionality for saving Adobe PDF files as Microsoft Word documents, retaining the layout, fonts, formatting, and tables Enhanced review and markup tools for easier, more accurate placement and resizing of markup items Create documents in PDF/A, the new ISO standard for long-term archiving of electronic documents Enable anyone using free Adobe Reader software to participate in document reviews, fill and save electronic forms offline, and digitally sign documents Create Adobe PDF documents from Outlook, Internet Explorer, Project, Visio, Access, Publisher, AutoCAD, and Lotus Notes Quickly create high-quality, compact PDF files from AutoCAD.

Active Protection blocks new spyware BEFORE they infect your PC-SpyNoMore!

On the Internet I found a software that brags to eliminate all these problems. The miracle software is called SpyNoMore and its developer is Illysoft. The price for ridding your machine by all thismalware is $29.95. The free version of the application has some restrictions, but the most upsetting one is that you cannot remove the malware detected.

What differentiates SpyNoMore from its competitors is the fact that it can remove a lot of malware. At least this is what the developer brags with. You will not know that until you buy the software, because its sole restriction will limit its efficiency to simply scanning the computer.

SpyNoMore anti-spyware safeguards your identity and restores system performance through fast, smart and powerful spyware protection.

SpyNoMore scans, cleans and blocks spyware as well as any other good anti-spyware product, but with one big advantage, Custom Fix (patent pending).

SpyNoMore will clean your PC and make sure it stays clean. Spyware has become an undesirable fact of life harassing home and corporate users alike, one that you do not have to put up with once you have SpyNoMore on your side! SpyNoMore offers unsurpassed protection against spyware, adware, trojans, worms, hijackers and other non-viral threats.

SpyNoMore™ Key Features

  • Huge Anti-Spyware Database guarantees removal of existing infections

  • Active Protection blocks new spyware BEFORE they infect your PC

  • Host Blocking ensures that known spyware-spawning websites are always blocked

  • Vaccination feature inoculates your system against inbound threats

  • Ticket-Based HelpDesk ensures a timely and professional response

  • Custom Fix™ (patent pending) is a very powerful system which removes any persistent infection. Say for instance your PC is infected with a very stubborn spyware program and nothing that you have tried has helped remove this infection. SpyNoMore's Custom Fix™ (patent pending) feature scans your PC and allows you to upload the scan report to our server for manual analysis by our Technical Staff. Your report will be reviewed and a customized Fix will be sent back to you via SpyNoMore, thereby guaranteeing full and permanent removal. No other anti-spyware software offers such feature!

SpyNoMore will clean your PC and make sure it stays clean.

SpyNoMore scans, cleans and blocks spyware as well as any other good Anti-Spyware product, but with one big advantage, Custom Fix (patent pending).

SpyNoMore is the only Anti-Spyware you will ever need! It safeguards your identity and restores system performance through fast, smart and powerful spyware protection. The purpose of the SpyNoMore is to update the protection databases so that your computer will always be protected against the latest threats.SpyNoMore anti-spyware gives you perfect spyware protection.

SpyNoMore will clean your PC and make sure it stays clean. Spyware has become an undesirable fact of life harassing home and corporate users alike, one that you do not have to put up with once you have SpyNoMore on your side! SpyNoMore offers unsurpassed protection against spyware, adware, trojans, worms, hijackers and other non-viral threats.

SpyNoMore™ Key Features

  • Huge Anti-Spyware Database guarantees removal of existing infections

  • Active Protectionblocks new spyware BEFORE they infect your PC

  • Host Blockingensures that known spyware-spawning websites are always blocked

  • Vaccination feature inoculates your system against inbound threats

  • Ticket-Based HelpDesk ensures a timely and professional response

  • Custom Fix™(patent pending) is a very powerful system which removes any persistent infection. Say for instance your PC is infected with a very stubborn spyware program and nothing that you have tried has helped remove this infection. SpyNoMore's Custom Fix™ (patent pending) feature scans your PC and allows you to upload the scan report to our server for manual analysis by our Technical Staff. Your report will be reviewed and a customized Fix will be sent back to you via SpyNoMore, thereby guaranteeing full and permanent removal. No other anti-spyware software offers such feature!

    SpyNoMorewill clean your PC and make sure it stays clean. Spyware has become an undesirable fact of life harassing home and corporate users alike, one that you do not have to put up with once you have SpyNoMore on your side! SpyNoMore offers unsurpassed protection against spyware, adware, trojans, worms, hijackers and other non-viral threats.

    Features of SpyNoMore:

    - Huge Anti-Spyware Database guarantees removal of existing infections

    - Active Protection blocks new spyware BEFORE they infect your PC

    - Host Blocking ensures that known spyware-spawning websites are always blocked

    - Vaccination feature inoculates your system against inbound threats

    - Ticket-Based HelpDesk ensures a timely and professional response

    - Custom Fix (patent pending) is a very powerful system which removes any persistent infection. Say for instance your PC is infected with a very stubborn spyware program and nothing that you have tried has helped remove this infection. SpyNoMore's Custom Fix (patent pending) feature scans your PC and allows you to upload the scan report to our server for manual analysis by our Technical Staff. Your report will be reviewed and a customized Fix will be sent back to you via SpyNoMore, thereby guaranteeing full and permanent removal.

  • What differentiates SpyNoMore from its competitors is the fact that it can remove a lot of malware. At least this is what the developer brags with. You will not know that until you buy the software, because its sole restriction will limit its efficiency to simply scanning the computer.

  • The first option provided in the interface is Start Scan. When the scan is in progress, this button will turn into Stop Scan. This will begin the process of checking your computer for all sorts of threats. Next button is Remove Spyware. We all know what it should do, but, unfortunately, I cannot test its efficiency.

    Roll Back is just another name for Quarantine. SpyNoMoreis a good thing that the software will not automatically delete the malwareand will first send it to quarantine. If there is a misunderstanding on behalf of the software that wrongfully etiquettes a perfectly healthy file as being infected withmalware, then you can correct the wrong by taking them out of there. I have to warn you that, once an item is in Roll Back, SpyNoMorecannot be launched anymore. This section of the software is also inaccessible as only the removed files are sent in here.

    Custom Fix is an interesting feature of the SpyNoMore. By means of this option the user can send a report to the developer's server so that the team analyzes the infection that refuses to leave your computer. The developer says that the technical support team will issue a fix solution designed to correct the situation.